Full Face Helmet VS Half Face Helmet

Full Face Helmet VS Half Face Helmet: Which is the Best? In Republic Act 10054 or the Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009 it mandates that all motorcycle riders should wear a standard helmets while driving. Last 2012, the DTI announced that all helmets should have ICC (Import Commodity Clearance) Sticker which is also part of [...]

Will PUV Modernization Program help in solving traffic problem in the Philippines?

Will PUV Modernization Program help in solving traffic problem in the Philippines? Do you have your own vehicle? o you're just using public transport everyday to get to work? Well, maybe this PUV Modernization will somehow improve our public transport system. The strike led by Transport Groups of PUV specially jeepneys has massively created a [...]

By |2017-10-19T01:29:59+00:00October 19th, 2017|PUV Modernization Program, Traffic Related|0 Comments